Projects, So many projects....

Created by dfh42 11 years ago
Bob was all about projects. He had many. One of his projects was a nascent contribution to our Quiet Garden. You need to know something about the Quiet Garden. It has an open gate leading to a gravel path which winds past a swing. The swing looks over a dragon to a small pond. There are many soft plantings, a place for quiet reflection, a foofoo garden. One summer evening, Bob handed me a cutting from a curly willow. He instructed us to place it in a pot for a few years and when it was strong and hardy, to plant it. That cutting is now a sapling growing beside the pond. For now his sapling is small and undistinguished, but in a few more years it will stand proudly beside the pond. While it has been growing, Bob enjoyed immensely the tree frog’s spring ritual at the pond in the Quiet Garden. He laughed at the irony of their enthusiasm. He reassured us that their mating calls sound very pleasant at his home a few blocks away. Last summer or perhaps the summer before that, someone started a new project by introducing minnows into the pond. In the years to come, the willow will provide a perch for Kingfishers. At that point the garden will be mature with mayflies, dragonflies, frogs, fish and Kingfishers, cycles of life.
