collin191 11th February 2013

Dad passed away at home, in his sleep sometime the morning of 2-5-2013. Over the past few years, he had undergone a couple major surgeries including a triple bypass and one for cancer. Throughout it all, he kept fighting and was able to stay at home where he wanted most to be. We were fortunate that these procedures gave him some more time with Brad and I, and Dad was able to meet his newborn granddaughter, Madie, at the end of 2012. I will treasure this last Christmas together. While we all would have loved more time with him, I am thankful that he passed in his favorite chair, and on his own terms. Brad saw him the evening before as he dozed off, so I am comforted by the thought that the last thing he saw on this earth was one of his sons (albeit the less handsome one). Dad taught me so much, including the value of hard work, craftsmanship, and the love of woodworking that we shared. His visits to Seattle gave us a special opportunity to engage in three traditional Lee core competencies – working, talking, and drinking. I was reminded of him this morning here in Seattle as I stepped out of the door we hung together, and went through fence he and I built at my home several years ago. I am thankful beyond words for the help his neighbors, friends, and Brad gave him over the past couple years, in particular. Your assistance with errands, rides to the store, the bank, and most importantly – Harbor Freight -- enabled him to remain at home, where he was always happiest. This was an enormous gift you gave, and it didn’t escape him. I am truly grateful you were watching out for him to the end. I will miss you, Dad.